We will have a course blog this
semester which we will use to carry on the bulk of our discussion of class
discussion and secondary texts. Each
student is responsible for (1) posting at least 3 entries of at least 200 words
(a long paragraph) during the course of the semester, (2) posting responses of
at least 100 words to other people’s posts at least 4 times during the
semester, and (3) reading the blog weekly.
You are welcome to make additional posts.
Content of the posts: The posts
should respond to class discussion or the secondary texts. In those posts,
explain what you found most interesting and insightful about the essays and/or
how they helped you better understand the primary texts. I don’t mind if you criticize the secondary
texts, but your criticism should be thoughtful, insightful, and respectful of
the author’s intelligence. Responses
should respond to the posts.
Schedule of Posts: In order to
insure that there will be discussion each week, everyone will be assigned 2 weeks when they have to post, and two weeks
when they have to respond. You can
choose when to make the remaining posts.
I will post the schedule in the upcoming week.
Grading: Posts will be graded on a
scale of 1-20 points. You can earn up to
a total of 60 points for posts.
20 points will be awarded to
substantive posts of at least 200 words that demonstrate an accurate and
insightful understanding of the material and raise significant points for
15 points will be awarded to posts
that are at least 200 words and show an accurate understanding of the material,
but do not raise significant issues for discussion. (In other words, these
posts are mostly observational.)
10 points will be awarded for posts
that are at least 200 words and demonstrate only a cursory familiarity with the
material or that significantly misunderstand the material. (For example, such a post might only refer to
an issue raised in the first paragraph or two of an essay, rather than the main
argument of the essay.)
1-5 point will be awarded for posts
less than 200 words.
Responses will be graded on a scale
of 1-10 points. A student can earn up to
40 points for responses.
10 points will be awarded for
substantive responses of at least 100 words.
These are responses of 4 or more sentences which demonstrate a solid
understanding of the material.
points will be awarded to brief responses, provided they contribute to
the discussion.
Note: Any posts or responses made
more than a week after the reading it refers to is scheduled will suffer a
5-point penalty.