When famous people are thought of by most people nowadays, the most common answer will be a white man such as George Washington or Stephen Curry. African American people who have made great strides for humanity are often forgotten, or their stories are messed up. Specifically, men like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. are often seen as peaceful black rights leaders. However, what many people are not told is how these protests were actually put into action. Dr. King often instigated the white men around him to do bad things so the African American's would look like the good guys. He is just one of the famous black men who have done things for society, but many other figures are often forgotten for what they did.
Men like Mahatma Gandhi are often not known by the majority of today's society because they are just not talked about. He was able to lead India into independence from Great Britain and also inspire other independence and civil rights movements across the world. Overall, black culture needs to be studied more often in schools, so people can learn of the great African American's who influenced the world we live in today.