Saturday, February 27, 2016

Black History Curriculum?

Opinions regarding black history month and the value of learning of other cultures varies. Black history month celebrates all the accomplishments the black community has made and is vital to creating a better future. As time goes on, people are given equal laws and regulations. Black people are finally being treated fairly and equally. I believe that there should not be separation between races, skin colors, etc. Humans need to get past skin color in order to see the human being that withholds the body. As generations go on, children and youth should be taught to be accepting and fair to everybody and anybody.

Rosa Parks was an African American woman who wanted to sit in the front of the bus which was supposedly the "white" section. After not moving for a white man, she was arrested and put in prison.

Why does one race have to be superior to the other?

What advantage will that really bring?

Black history month should be part of the learning curriculum because it is a part of history, too. Children should be proud because living on earth will not be fun if everyone looked the same and acted the same. I am proud to have friends of every race, skin color, hair color, etc. I would not trade them for anything because I could have not met better people. Cultures should not be contained; they should be cherished and proudly spoken of.

When will the whole world learn all human beings are similar?

When will everybody learn best friends are more important than the color of their skin?

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