Sunday, March 13, 2016

Living Underground

As the man and the boy are prepare to face their death, they come across something that changes the entire story and saves them. In the yard of an abandoned house the man comes across a secret bunker. The bunker is filled with food and water, there is a toilet, gas, and even batteries to run a flashlight and torches. It is a gift from God, yet they cannot stay. The man believes this bunker will be found sometime soon by the "Bad Guys" and that he and the boy should leave in the next few days. This makes no sense to me. It is obvious that nobody has located the bunker besides them and if the man covered it up or hid it from the surface it would be virtually impossible to see. Not to mention that the bunker is capable of sustaining them for months, maybe even a year or two. It seems wrong, after all they have been through, to leave so soon. Even if someone did find them inside the bunker it would be very difficult to get them out. The walls of the bunker are solid concrete with only one entrance which, if blocked off in a time of need, would be impenetrable. Even if the bad guys managed to get in, it is possible that they would take the remaining food and let the father and his son go unharmed. Why eat a person when there is a large amount of food instead? If I were in this situation I definitely would not leave unless the food became scarce or someone forced me too.


  1. I completely agree with your last statement about never leaving the hatch until they are forced to. Up to this point in the story, the man and the boy have been constantly struggling to find food and shelter. All of the sudden they discover this hatch with every piece of food they could imagine and it acts as a real saving grace. They are able to eat actual foods like pears and peaches instead of whatever they can find on the side of the road. When they entered this hatch, there was no sign of other people having been there recently which shows it was secure and safe. If all of the food is in good condition, that means no one has been there to scavenge anything from it. They really should have stayed there for at least a few weeks to get their diets back to a normal state and just enjoy some luxurious items before continuing along the road. Instead of just staying for a few days, why not extend their stay until they hear or see one of the "bad guys." All the "bad guys" would do is barge into the hatch, see the food, the man and the boy, and most likely ask them to leave allowing them to have full access to all of the food. Who knows how long it would have been before anyone would have discovered the hatch. Overall, the man and the boy should have spent more time than they did in the hatch

  2. I agree with all of your points. At this point, the bunker seems to be untouched completely. There doesn't seem to be any harm in staying there especially if they can survive there for a couple more months. The only issue may be is they want to reach the south for the warmer winters. The location of the bunker may still be too far north to stay warm. Even if they stayed warm in the bunker for the entire winter, what if somebody else found the bunker mid-winter? Then the man and boy would have to run away, and most likely freeze to death in the process. However, I'm assuming if it is that cold nobody else will reach the bunker anyway. Also, would there even be enough food to last them the winter? On the other hand, if someone makes a bunker to last the apocalypse, I'm sure there is enough food to last one winter. The bunker was a safe haven. Hopefully more appear along the way. Maybe there will be a few close to the coast.
