Sunday, March 13, 2016

The Sealed Hatch

As the two characters from The Road seek food and shelter, they find a large house on the outskirts of a town. The boy wants no part in exploring the house because he has a bad feeling about what could be inside, while the man wants to rummage through the house for resources. They attempt to listen for movement or peculiar sounds, and hear nothing. At this point the man seems to believe or hope that no one is inside. Entering the house was a bad decision on the man's part because if there was enemies inside the house, there would more likely be more than one. Considering the man only has one bullet left, the outcome more than likely would have been bad. To the man and the boy's advantage, there were no bad guys inside the house. What they found on the other hand was incredibly gruesome. Inside a hatch sealed with a steel padlock, were many naked men and women who were being held as food for the cannibals who put them there. These people were not just naked and foul-smelling, but some of them had limbs missing. The cannibals had been chopping off limb by limb as a source of food. How were these people captured, and how did they end up locked in a hatch? Should the man have let all these people go, or just lock them back in as he did? Would you result in cannibalism if there was no other source of nutrition?

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