A raisin in the sun the family receives news of the life insurance check holding $10,000. As for what this means Walter lee, son of Mama, wants to complete his dream and in the process must use money to invest. Walter lee finds a business deal with a man named Harrison. The family of this story lives in a run down apartment that has little sunshine. As for the ideal of the family all them want a new house. The predominate population of the neighbor hood is white civilians that in this time were racist. Walter lee deciding to fulfill his dream invest $6,500 in a small liquor business with Harrison and Bobo. Harrison ends up taking the money and leaving meaning the family has no money left. This incident with Walter lee has destroyed the families hopes. Only to assume that the family will always hate Walter lee for this mistake, how will the family resolve this issue? The money offer by the neighborhood to pay away the black residents has been increased, but the accepting of this cash offer will leave the family in the apartment with a new born on the way. The personal choices made by Walter lee have affected the whole family from Benetha's medical school payments to the birth of Walter lee's second child with Ruth.
In the playwright
I agree with many points addressed. At this point in the play the audience wants to be mad at Walter, but realizes they can't. The way he acted when he discovered the money was gone was heartbreaking. He was only trying to do the best for his family, but at the same time, he was being selfish and not considering the consequences of trusting an untrustworthy man. Although he wanted to change history for the black community, he failed to realize that his wife was expecting their second child and that child had no where to sleep. Walter Lee's conscience finally caught up to him and made him want to sell the house in the other neighborhood for a lot of money to make up for everything. What would have happened if he went through with his plan? Will Ruth have carried out her plans for abortion?