Friday, April 15, 2016

Drinking Problem?

It seems that Walter Lee has a drinking problem, but is this what causes him to risk all of the family's money on a shaky deal for a liquor store?  Walter drinks much more when he is not given the  money that he wants, and he comes home night after night drunk and without a care in the world if his family sees him loosing his mind.  Is the drinking causing him to go insane about the money? Does Walter also have a gambling problem since this is not the first time he has tried to spend lots of money to go into a business?  I think that Walter does have a problem with drinking and with handling money correctly, but this does not change the fact that he chose to use all of the insurance money on a liquor store instead of the house that can be a new start for him.  Walter was very wrong in his actions, and he needs to learn how to handle this much stress that he is under at this moment.  Also, his family notices his problems when he reacts towards finding out he lost the money, but why don't they realize that he might have an actual problem?  Are they too caught up in the moment of moving and disciplining him about this to try an help him later on?  If Walter has a drinking problem and a problem with money, then does this mean that this would happen again sometime in the future?

1 comment:

  1. I do not think so. It is implied after Lindner's final visit that Walter has matured and will try to no longer associate himself in childish acts such as investing Mama's money without her consent. He is finally a man. He will try in the future to spend the family's money wisely and for its benefit. He will probably stop going to bars as much, since the main reason he went was to escape his family's misunderstanding of him. Obviously, learning to get over problems with drinking and being reckless with money takes time, but I believe Walter Lee truly cares for them and will do anything to help them stay in that house.
