Thursday, April 14, 2016

Mama's Plant

One of the most apparent symbols seen throughout the play is Mama’s plant. Her care and dreams for her family are represented by the nutrient-deprived plant. The plant is initially seen when Mama makes her first appearance onstage. As proof, “She crosses through the room, goes to the window, opens it, and brings in a feeble little plant growing doggedly in a small pot on the windowsill. She feels the dirt and puts it back out” (Hansberry 39). Because the plant is immediately introduced, it is clearly a significant part of Mama’s life. She repeatedly confesses that the plant never gets enough light or water; however, she still takes pride in it and makes sure that it remains alive. In a similar way, Mama takes care of her whole family with unconditional love, despite the lacking environment for growth. Mama has a longtime dream of owning a house and having a garden in the backyard. Once she moves the plant to her new house, it no longer represents a dream that she hopes to one day fulfill, but it now represents what a lot of hard work and dedication can accomplish. Mama does what is best for her family for the duration of the play, and in the end she can finally be content knowing that her family has finally grown. 

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